Cool News From Cooley Roofing

Cooley Roofing Blog

Annual Roof Maintenance for Homeowners

We’ve said many times that roof replacement and repair aren’t DIY jobs. However, there are some things you should be…

Solar Panels & Your Roofing System

North Carolina is one of the most solar friendly states. In fact, we’re ranked third in solar capacity installed, behind…

What You Should Know About ENERGY STAR Shingles

Although they’re commonly called ENERGY STAR shingles, if you’re looking on a shingle manufacturer’s website, you’ll find likely find them…

Understanding Asphalt Shingles & Installation Methods

If you’re getting a new roof, chances are good that you’re choosing asphalt shingles. Shingles are the most common roofing…

Tips to Help You Find the Best Roof Replacement Contractor

Lots of roofing companies say they are the best roof replacement contractor in the Triad. However, they can’t all be….

Is Your Water Damage from a Roof Leak?

Probably. Most water damage in homes that is not from a burst pipe or other appliance malfunction is from a…

Top 5 Roof Leak Causes

Roof leak causes vary depending on the roofing material and the age of the roof. However, we have put together…

Dealing with a NC Storm Damage Insurance Claim

Storm damage is stressful. It can be made worse by difficult insurance adjustors. Storm chasers knocking on your door isn’t…

Ways to Avoid Storm Damage

Although Beryl didn’t affect us, you saw how it’s remnants damaged areas as far inland as Kentucky and Indiana. That…