Dealing with the Aftermath of a Termite Infestation: Your Roof

Locals’ enjoyment of springtime in North Carolina has had a bit of a damper put on it thanks to termite swarms making an appearance in residences across the state. An April 16 article posted on the WECT 6 website advised property owners to contract professional pest control services ASAP, especially since:

According to the United States Forest Service, North Carolina is rated as Moderate to Heavy infestation for Subterranean Termites. According to the National Pest Management Association, termite infestations cause homeowners $5 billion in property damage every year. A colony of termites feeds 24 hours a day and can chew through any wood or paper product including wood, flooring and wallpaper.

Property owners who spot signs of termite damage should therefore make sure the root cause is immediately addressed. The longer the issue sits, the higher the incurred costs for the homeowner. Pest control professionals, though, are not the only ones who can help you deal with infestations and their damaging consequences.

In many cases, damage from termites and other insects are easy to spot in your roofing system. To make matters worse, any existing roof vulnerability will present an opening through which more insects can make their way into your home or building, exacerbating the existing infestation and give rise to even more unpleasant consequences. If this should ever happen to your home, reliable roofers in Winston-Salem NC such as Cooley Roofing can be of great help.

The company draws from 23 years of experience when conducting roof inspections, which gives their team the technical knowledge critical to making the right assessments and to recommending tried-and-tested solutions. Their diverse skill set allows them to deliver on-point solutions for roofing in Winston-Salem NC and the nearby communities—solutions designed to protect your property from the elements as well as from their earthier counterparts.

You can also contract the company for roof installations, repairs, and replacements. Visit to learn more today.

(Article sourced from Spring temperatures bring out termite swarms, WECT6, April 16, 2014)

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