It’s a Great Time to Consider New Windows
If you’ve been wondering about replacement windows and want to know when is a good time, the simple answer is anytime. If you’re at a point where your current windows aren’t performing or functioning as they should, consider new windows. There really is no bad time to install them other than driving rain.
Why Now?
Many homeowners mistakenly think that when we come to your home to do the actual installation of your new windows that we’re going to remove all your old windows. They don’t want their home open to the cold, and sometimes damp, late fall air so they delay until late spring or early summer. That’s not the case at all. We remove one window at a time, unless it’s a double window then both come out at once.
Fall and winter are great times to replace your windows because there are very few bugs that can get into your home. Although there will be some energy lost during the installation, that will be made up quickly when you choose ENERGY STAR® rated windows. As the temperature begins to drop, your home will be more comfortable and you’ll start seeing savings on your utility bills.
Depending on the other home improvements you’ve made, your windows may be the last piece you need to qualify as an ENERGY STAR® home. Once your home qualifies, your utility company may offer you a monthly energy discount. Contact your utility company to find out what you need to do to have an ENERGY STAR home and what incentives they offer.
There really is no bad time for new windows. The sooner you install them, the sooner your home will be more comfortable. Most homeowners see monthly savings on their electric bill. One often forgotten benefit of new windows is that your HVAC system won’t be working as hard, and it may last longer. If you think it may be time to replace your windows, Cooley Roofing and Construction can help. We offer quality Vinylmax replacement windows with many options that are ENERGY STAR® qualified. Call 366-766-6488 to schedule your no obligation estimate today.
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