Replacing Siding on Your Home, When is it Time?


The siding on your home isn’t there just for decoration. It does the big job of protecting everything inside. Replacing siding is a big undertaking financially, so how do you know if it’s time to replace yours? Depending upon the type of siding you currently have on your home, there are different things to look for.

Replacing Vinyl Siding

If your home has vinyl siding there are a few obvious signs it’s time to replace it. First, if it has cracks or holes in it, you need new siding. As vinyl siding ages, it becomes brittle. The sun and temperature changes are responsible for the aging process. Once it becomes brittle and a bird flies into it or a baseball hits the side of your home, it just can’t rebound like it did when it was new. Cracks allow water and bugs into your home. Holes allow bigger pests like squirrels easy access.

There are two other signs that are closely related. When you look at your home and notice bowing or warping, that means your siding isn’t flush against your home. This is another that way water can get in and cause structural damage. If you don’t visually notice a sign that your siding isn’t secured to the exterior of your home, you may hear it banging against your home during strong winds.

Replacing Wood Siding

The other common type of siding that needs replacing is wood siding. For many homeowners it’s quite clear when the wood rots, splits, or cracks, that it’s time for new siding. What is a lesser known a sign is the bowing and gapping that occurs after time with wood siding. Just like vinyl siding when the wood no longer lays flat against your home, it’s not doing its job. For some homeowners it’s time to replace their wood siding when they’re tired of scraping and painting it year after year.

If you think it’s time for new siding for your home, talk to Cooley Roofing and Construction. We work with homeowners to select the siding that will give their home the look they want within their budget. We offer several brands with different styles and warranties. Call us today for any exterior home improvement including roofing, roof repair, replacement windows, and of course, new siding – 366-766-6488.

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