Your Pets and Roof Replacement or Repair
As your roof replacement or repair date draws near, you should give your neighbors the courtesy of informing them about the additional vehicles and noise. You should also think about your pets and how they will react. There is a lot of added stress for a pet anytime you have workers at your home and if they’re especially impacted by fireworks, you might want to think about them before the work begins.
Strange People
Although a roof replacement rarely requires the strangers your pet sees outside to come in your home, a roof repair might. If your pet is prone to barking continuously upon seeing a stranger in your yard or even on your sidewalk, you might want to have a plan for your pup that day. You likely don’t want to hear the dog barking for hours endlessly.
So Many Sounds
Your pet may be use to sounds coming from ground level outside but they’re likely not use to sounds above their head. Even during the tear off process, there’s a lot of noise. The workers will be shouting at one another and they will be throwing waste into a dumpster or onto the ground. And once the new roof installation begins, there’s a whole other set of noises. Most of the time crews work with multiple nail guns that can sound like fireworks when you’re inside your home. The average roof replacement takes just one day, but can take longer.
Your Yard
Even if noises don’t bother your pet, you might not want them at home. Although the roofing company will clean up at the end of the day, there may be stray nails in your yard while they’re working. You don’t want your pet stepping on one and becoming injured. Add to the fact that they will be in and out of your yard and may not always have a free hand to close a gate. Keeping your pet in your yard for the day isn’t a great idea.
Hire a Doggie Day Care or a Friend to Help
The best thing you can do for the comfort of your four-legged friend is find a place for them during the noise and activity, especially if you’re having a total roof replacement. Doggie day cares are a great option or if you have a trusted friend (or even understanding boss who will let you bring your pet to work), it might be the best option. If you’re only getting a roof repair and you can keep you animals away from the area being repaired and turn on some white noise for them, they may be able to tolerate a repair.
The team at Cooley Roofing and Construction cares about your pets but we can’t do anything about the noise we create. We will try to keep your gate closed and always clean up at the end of every day. If you need roof repair or a roof replacement, call us at 366-766-6488 or fill out our contact form today.
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