
3 Essential Elements of a Quality New Roof

As you speak to various roofing companies, you will likely get many different options about roofs in general. Most have and recommend their preferred brand. One thing all should explain is that you need is a complete roof replacement which starts with a roof tear-off. Then you want quality, durable architectural shingles and the associated materials the manufacturer recommends – this is referred to as your roofing system. Here are three recommendations we giver every homeowner for their new roof.

Make Sure to Choose a Roof Tear-Off

There are two roof replacement methods. In a roofing overlay your roofer installs your new shingles on top of your old ones. We don’t recommend this. Instead, we recommend a roof tear-off is where your roofer removes the old roof before installing a new roofing system. This provides several benefits.

  1. Allows for a complete inspection of your roof deck and repair to any weak areas.
  2. Provides for a clean and flat surface on which your new shingles will lay making for a better-looking roof.
  3. Ensures that the old roof’s issues, whether that’s a leak, blue-green algae growth or even moss don’t damage your new roof from the inside out.
  4. Allows you the full manufacturer’s warranty.

A roof tear-off will cost you more than an overlay, but it is worth it.

Install Total Roofing System

Each manufacturer offers elements that are made to work with their shingles. When installed together, these elements are referred to as a roofing system roof replacement. Some examples include starter strips, ridge shingles, leak barriers, and underlayment to name a few. Choosing a roofer who will install a total roofing system benefits you through a roof that lasts longer, looks better and performs as promised. The manufacturer may also offer a better warranty for a total roofing system.

Ask for Synthetic Underlayment

You’ve probably heard the term tar-paper. It was what all roof underlayment was for many years. Most roofers install synthetic underlayment now. It’s a stronger material, it lasts longer and protects your home better when a roof leak happens. The small addition in price for synthetic over tar-paper underlayment is worth it.

Need a New Roof? Call Cooley Roofing

As an experienced roofing contractor, we’ve chosen to sell and install total roofing systems from several manufacturers. We’re GAF Master Elite and CertainTeed Master Shingle Applicator so you are eligible for the best and full manufacturer’s warranties with those brands. We do also install Owens Corning and other brands and stand behind our installation with our workmanship guarantee no matter what work we do. If you’re looking for quality roofing, properly installed, call us today for a free quote at (336) 766-6488 or fill out our contact form today. We accept all insurance claims and offer financing too!

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