3 Ways to Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency
Now that we’re heading into fall, you may remember the high heating bills you had last winter. There are many things you can do to increase your home’s energy efficiency. You could replace your windows, install new insulated siding and a new roof. As a local roofer, we know that new isn’t always in the budget and sometimes isn’t necessary. We have three things for you to do, either on your own or with the help of a contractor, that may increase the energy efficiency of your home.
1. Perform a Window & Door Inspection & Do Necessary Maintenance
We’re happy to come and provide you with a free quote for new windows, but if yours aren’t that old or new windows aren’t in the budget, inspect the window caulk. If you can see that your window caulk is cracked or even missing, take care of that as soon as possible. There are many videos on YouTube that provide clear and simple instructions on how to do that.
As for your entry doors, make sure they close tightly and sit properly in the frame. Look closely at the weather stripping. If your weather stripping isn’t holding the door tightly closed, you can easily replace that with new weather stripping from your local home improvement store.
2. Check Your Attic
When was the last time you were up in your attic? We understand that no one (not even your local roofer) wants to head to their attic on a hot summer day, but if you haven’t been in there recently, now is the time. While you’re there, look up and see if you notice any light coming in through the roof. If so, chances are good you have a roof leak and need to call a roofing company. If your roof looks good from the attic, look down. How does your insulation look? Any insulation that appears to have been wet or is compressed, is no longer insulating your home. Make sure you have the recommended amount of insulation based on today’s standards.
3. Check Your Home’s Exterior
There are many things that can lead to a less than energy efficient home that you’ll notice on the outside in addition to your windows. Your siding is certainly one. Poorly attached, cracked or missing siding lowers the home’s energy efficiency by making your home draftier and potentially allowing for water damage to your home’s insulation. Although sometimes siding can be repaired, that’s not always the case. The same can be said of your roofing. Missing shingles or shingles that have lost their granules can’t protect your home. You should contact your local roofer for a repair estimate.
Cooley Roofing Can Help
As a local roofer, we offer roof repair and replacement. Because Cooley Roofing is more than just a roofing company, we can also provide you with a free estimate for energy efficient replacement windows, roofing, siding and doors for your home. If you realize it’s time to upgrade your home for maximum energy efficiency, call us at (336) 766-6488 today to schedule your appointment.
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