Don’t Be Overwhelmed By the Many Siding Options
Siding options vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. They also vary based on material. Because most people choose vinyl siding, we’re going to focus on some of the choices you’ll need to make with new vinyl siding.
How Many Colors? How Many Styles?
Chances are good, especially if you’re in a planned community, that you have one style and color of vertical lap-style siding. And, many homeowners choose to stick with the once color and one style. However, if you’re looking to create some visual interest, one won’t do. Depending on your home and budget, you consider two colors and two styles of siding. One of those two colors should be the same or close to the color of your trim or garage door. Much more than two of each can appear too busy.
Horizontal, Vertical or Both?
Yes. You can choose one or both. However, we find that when choosing both a horizontal and vertical siding that sticking to either one color or a dark and light shade of the same color is best. For example, a light grey horizontal and dark grey vertical siding. If you choose all vertical or all horizontal, you can choose either shades of the same color or a more dramatic contrast like tan and dark green or white and navy.
Trendy or Traditional?
That depends a lot on your personal preference. It may also depend on your HOA if you live in a deed restricted community. You may also want to think about how long you plan on being in your home. If you know you’ll be moving in a few years, you may want to go modern but not too trendy as that may scare off some potential buyers. Right now, many traditional colors including shades of white, grey and tan are among the most popular siding colors.
Siding Options Should Compliment the Rest of Your Home
No matter what siding options you choose, you should want them to compliment the rest of your home. Think about the color of your entry and garage doors and how they’ll look with your new siding options. Don’t forget about your windows, trim, gutters and roof unless you’re planning a total home renovation. If you’re looking for a company to help you with new siding or a total exterior renovation, call Cooley Roofing. We offer financing, accept all insurance claims and are the one name you need for all your roofing, siding and window needs. Reach us at (336) 766-6488 or fill out our contact form today for your free quote.
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