
FAQs of Roof Replacement

If you’re looking for accurate roof replacement information, you’ve come to the right place. With decades of experience in the residential and commercial roofing industry, our team has the answers to your questions about a new roof or roof repair. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get.

How Long Does it Take to Get a New Roof?

If you’re asking how long from when you sign the contract for the new roof through installation and clean up, it can be a few weeks to a month or a bit more depending on whether the shingles you want are in stock or not and how far out the roofing company is scheduled.However, if you’re asking about the actual time to install the new roof, for most homes in our area it takes a day or two.

What Brands Are Best for a Roof Replacement?

Many manufacturers make quality products. You’ll find many opinions and lots of roof replacement information on this topic. We prefer GAF architectural shingles. Their shingles come with impact resistance, stain guard and exceptional warranties. And, because we’re a Master Elite™ roofing contractor, you can opt for the Golden Pledge warranty which is among the top warranties available from all manufacturers. Owens Corning and CertainTeed also offer high quality architectural shingles.

Do I Have to Be Home for A Roof Replacement?

No! You may want to be there when we start and we recommend that you’re there at the end of the day. You don’t need to – and likely won’t want to – be there when we’re working. A roof replacement is a loud process. You should even consider making arrangements for your pets too.

Why Do You Recommend at Tear Off When an Overlay is Legal?

A tear off is when we take the old shingles off, inspect the roof deck, make repairs and then install the new roofing system. Although an overlay (where the new shingles are installed on top of the old ones) is legal one time, it’s never a great idea. If your old shingles have mold, are warped or are missing in places, these issues can transfer to your new roof. You may also not be eligible for the manufacturer’s warranty.

Need More Roof Replacement Information?

Call Cooley Roofing for your free roof replacement estimate and honest answers to your questions. It’s always our goal to provide the roof replacement information you need to make the right decision for your home or business. Call us today at (336) 766-6488 or fill out our contact form.

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