Three Reason to Consider New Windows Today

installation of new windowsMany homeowners think that because we’re into the hot summer, it’s a bad time to consider new windows for their home. However, there are only a few bad times of year to get replacement windows in your home – when it’s raining, sleeting, or snowing. And if there is active weather in the area, we simply delay the installation a day or two. Here are why you should call a local window company for a new window estimate today.

1.New Windows Can’t Save You Money Until They’re Installed

Now that it’s hot out, you can feel the energy that’s being wasted just by sitting near or walking by your windows. Old drafty windows or single pane windows don’t keep your AC inside or the heat out. No matter what time of year you get new windows, they can’t start saving you money until you have them installed.

2.They Can Improve the Natural Light in Your Home & Provide a Better View

Older windows often have thick frames and grids. With new windows, you can choose different styles that allow more light in. If you have dark rooms or rooms with just one window, you may find that new ones without grids or with a smaller grid pattern lets in more natural light making the room feel bigger and brighter. For the same reason new windows let in more light, they can also provide a better view.

3.Less Maintenance

Depending on the age and material of your old windows, you may spend valuable free time scraping, sanding, and painting your old windows. Or, you may find that cleaning them is a challenge. If you choose double hung vinyl replacement windows, you’ll be able to clean them easily and you won’t every have to scrape, sand, or paint your windows again.

When you trust Cooley Roofing and Construction with your new window installation, you’ll find that we just remove one window at a time. This limits your home’s exposure to the elements making any time of year a good time for new windows. If you’re ready to learn how our windows can save you money, call 366-766-6488 or fill out our contact form and we’ll reach out to set an appointment.

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